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According to a recent Frito-Lay Variety Packs survey, the majority of parents (75 percent) worry about their kids' happiness while they are at school. What's more, 81 percent said they seek ways to give their kids encouragement when they are apart.

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Available now until September 9, specially-marked Frito-Lay Variety Packs contain chip bags that have a talk bubble where parents can write a note of encouragement directly on their kids' favorite Frito-Lay Variety Packs flavor.

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The special Snackable Notes packaging lets mom or dad bring a little love to lunchtime. Writing a note will brighten your child’s day and make them smile. Not sure what to write? Frito-Lay teamed up with TV personality Mario Lopez to provide parents with some inspiration.

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Give lunch a lighthearted twist by writing a joke on your Snackable Note. You’ll make them laugh out loud just like you do when the kids are at home. It’s such a simple way to make them feel happy even when you’re not around.

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A joke is a perfect ice-breaker on those first days of school when students might sit at lunch tables with kids they don’t know. When your child shares the joke with their classmates, everyone will giggle with delight.

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If your family is bilingual, write a note in your languages to add a personal touch. Even if you’re not bilingual, a note in another language can be an educational mystery to solve. Your child can bring it to Spanish class and have the teacher help translate the meaning.

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When your kids get home from school, make time to greet them with a hug and ask about their day. Then enjoy the evening together and pack lunch for tomorrow with another special note. For more ideas and inspiration, visit

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