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Solar Powered Fresh Air Skylights in this kitchen also open to let in fresh air, providing a way for moist air to escape.

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Time to sleep? Time to relax? Skylights with room-darkening, solar-powered blinds allow the room to be darkened for sleeping, while brightening this bedroom during the day.

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Covered porches can block sunlight from reaching interior rooms, so skylights are a good way to bring natural light to the porch and adjacent rooms.

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A skylight at the top of this stairwell brings natural light to all three floors of this home. And that’s not a recessed light in the hallway; it’s a Sun Tunnel skylight that funnels sunlight through a reflective tunnel into the hallway, brightening a space that typically has no access to natural light.

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Natural light is the perfect accent to other elements of nature, like plants and rattan furniture, in this living room.

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