Thinking about furthering your education this summer? 3 factors to consider

Posted: June 23, 2024 | Word Count: 382

Finding yourself having a little extra time this summer? Summer months can be an ideal time for busy, working adults to launch or resume an educational program. Online courses offer learners flexibility and independence that may align well with a summer schedule.

If you are thinking about furthering your education while working this summer, below are three key factors to keep in mind:

1. Time commitment

Going back to school while working takes preparation, flexibility and commitment. Identifying times of the year that are less busy could be just the opportunity you need to start your new education journey. Ask yourself:

  • Can I take multiple courses at once?
  • Do I need a flexible program that I can take on my own time?
  • Do I want an all-online program, an in-person program or a hybrid program?
  • Do I want to take classes or do my coursework on weekday evenings, or do weekends work better for me?

2. Career path

Pursuing further education may open doors to your career by building skills and growing your network. While going back to school may seem like an obvious next step, make sure you are clear on your goals. Ask yourself:

  • How can higher education support my career goals?
  • Does the program I have selected align with my professional goals?
  • Will I have new opportunities with my current employer after I finish my higher education?

3. Cost and value

Going back to school can be a financial and time investment. Take stock of all the financial support available to you, such as employer-sponsored education benefits, scholarships and credit for prior learning. It may be worthwhile to ask your employer:

  • Does my employer have an education assistance program?
  • If so, will I have to pay for my education up-front or does my employer reimburse me afterwards?
  • Are there scholarships or other incentives available to support furthering my education and upskilling?

Going back to school is an investment in your future. Just like any investment, your education warrants careful planning of both your time and finances. For many, summer can be the right time to begin this investment. Thinking through these questions first will help you get the most out of your educational journey.

Learn more about resources available to you as you return to school at Workforce Edge.

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